That I could love you
As the wind
Loves the ones with wings
That I could love you
As the sun
Loves the soil
And all it grows
That I could love you
As the moon
Loves the ocean
And as the ocean
Loves the shore
And as the shore
Loves the lovers
That lay there
Listening to the lyrics
Of a low key love song
The rhythm
Of the water
The melody
Of the soft silvery glow
As the wind
Loves the ones with wings
That I could love you
As the sun
Loves the soil
And all it grows
That I could love you
As the moon
Loves the ocean
And as the ocean
Loves the shore
And as the shore
Loves the lovers
That lay there
Listening to the lyrics
Of a low key love song
The rhythm
Of the water
The melody
Of the soft silvery glow