Saturday, March 25, 2006

You're Getting Warmer

I emerged
From the cold, dark theater
And was enveloped
By a bright, clear afternoon

Over cement and grass
I tread my usual path
And saw an unusual sight.
Unusually bright
That light,
That sunlight
That warmed her face
That warmed a place in my chest
Slightly to the left,
And a place
At greater depth.

Under a tree
Of pine or birch
She perched
And shined.

I continued along my usual line,
But that image shone,
Crystal in my mind,
Slowed my steps
Quickened my breath
And drew me back to her
The warmth of firelight
On cold nights.

There she was,
In that not quite right
A little too bright
Her smile was warm
Her eyes were clear.
She listened as I fell
Into awkward introduction
And caught me.

Polite questions were asked,
I think that once or twice she laughed.
I sat and played with blades of grass,

And basked in our light.
She wore Navajo beads of night
Sanskrit and the tree of life
But she was the art
That wasn't sunlight.

This unusual afternoon
So hot and bright,
I didn't want to end
What brings you here?
Waiting for my boyfriend.

And just then
A cold breeze of wind
My feverish skin.


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