Thursday, April 27, 2006


We swim in a sea
Life flows
The ebb of death

The end of each instant
The birth of the next

A vast alchemy
Ever yielding

So too,
As one breathes out
The world inhales

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Dharma

Peace with everything
One has, nothing desired
Possession of all

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Tao

Expanding with ease
Naturally contracting
Moment to moment

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


That sinking feeling
Pleasant anticipation
Undisturbed calm

Compass needle spin
True North is different from
Ev'ry perspective

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

the world without eyes

in the world without eyes
seeing is knowing

you become what you perceive

i've lived in that world
in dreams
moments of intense pleasure

the night you held me close
and breathed into my mind
"i love you"

Monday, April 17, 2006

so very special

we sat in a circle
children of god
and there she was
a vision of perfection
enchanting, haunting
she filled my mind

as the heavens opened
yielding droplets to nourish
my intoxication blossomed

i knew she was angelic
so unique, so divine
the heavens themselves
while wetting us all
would allow no rain
to fall on her crown

hand outstretched over her
i would witness this miracle
but shocked
i pulled away

with the confusion
of one awakened
from a dream
all too real

i stared at the moisture
in my palm

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Truth Told

Boy, they sent you on a suicide mission
When you were young and naïve enough to listen
With an objective that can never be won
They out and out lied to you son

Truth told there are no bad guys
No heroes, no beautiful girls to be won as prize
But still, they told you, "Fight for pride!"
Honor, and the approval of the right side

They told you you were the best
Better than all of the rest
You deserve victory in this
War that does not actually exist

You believed that lie was true
And in your mind it became you
But, truth told, the only reward
For all those battles of that great long war

In your mind is
Will die

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Grief Called Katrina

She raged
Howling winds
Welfare ridden
Poverty stricken
Drug addicted

She wailed
From fathomless depths
A heaving tempest
A downpour
Of the painful liquid
Submerging corruption
As convoluted and complex
As the criss crossings of cement
She cleansed

She heaved
A great sob
From her breast
Releasing riots
Destruction, disease
And bathed herself
In tears

Sunday, April 09, 2006

My Heart Longs to Create for You

My heart longs to create for you
A beautiful swan
Made of light
White radiant light
With swirls of gold and pink
That would feel warm and solid to the touch
That would be full of life
That would only ever know love and joy
And always give them to you

I would fashion for you
A precious jewel
Deep and dark like the night
With a thousand iridescent facets
That sparkle every color
A singing jewel
That would sing a sad, magical song
To make your heart ache
Whenever you felt the need to cry

Friday, April 07, 2006

One Within

The brave man
Wears scars
A patchwork of scars
Across his back
Hewn deep
Into his heart
Only he
Wears no armor

The brave man
Wears deep canyons
On his brow
Cut by
Rivers of worry
Only he
Wears a smile

The brave man
Wears the shackles
We all wear
Sits in his dreary cell
Gazes through
The small square window
Of eyes, embraces, words,
frail futile shadows
of reflections of meaning

Only he also wears
Him Self
And the conviction
That he is free

Saturday, April 01, 2006


The pretty smoke dances,
It curls and twirls,
It swirls seductively
Slowly winding
From the softly sizzling cherry.
Its first hand
Rakes hot coals over delicate pink flesh
And pumps poison
Through streams that flow life,
While its second
Chokes the life
From friends
And loved ones.

The grey smoke growls
From aluminum, metal alloy, chrome and rubber
They migrate in herds of millions
Twice daily
9 am and 5 pm.
Their sputters, coughs and howls
Combine into great clouds
Of smoke
No silver lining.

The beautiful black smoke billows
Into great big blossoms
And forms massive columns
Over the countless varieties of life
The potential medicines of men
The divine splendor of nature
Ashes all.

The sultry smoke shimmers
It separates and undulates upwards
From the charred corpse of the child
Melted to the swingset
Where she played
Until the smoke burst and bloomed
And recklessly consumed

God of Noah and Lot
Perhaps it is time
For your next great flood
The world is burning.